Because Ar. Nilesh handles most aspects of all projects himself and personally overseas the work of any consultants who may be involved, it is especially important that project scheduling be worked out in advance and that every effort be made to maintain the schedule once established. Several projects in various stages of completion will typically be active in the office at all times, such that unexpected delays in the progress of any one will likely disrupt all the others.
Experience in recent years indicates that from the time a client makes an initial inquiry until the beginning of construction on a typically full services project, as much as six or eight months (or more) may be required, so it is best to plan accordingly and begin the process early.
Professional Fee:
*Professional fee and other charges in accordance with scale of charges are as follows:
Schedule of Payment:
Retainer | 5 % of the total fees payable |
Concept design | 10 % of the total fees payable |
Preliminary design and drawings | 20 % of the total fees payable |
Drawings for client / statutory approvals | 35 % of the total fees payable |
Working drawings and tender documents | 45 % of the total fees payable |
Appointment of contractors | 55 % of the total fees payable |
Construction | 65 to 90 % of the total fees payable |
Completion | 100 % of the total fees payable |
Reimbursable Expenses:
* Actual cost of travel (to & fro), boarding & lodging and local transport for any visit made by nildip staff to the site or such other places as may be necessary in connection with the execution of work.
* Cost of presentation models & 3D, computer simulation, presentation drawings, etc. prepared at the instance of the client for purposes other than the design and execution of the project.
* The fees of land surveyors, lighting or acoustical consultant, plumbing consultant, if any and if contracted through nildip associates, will also be invoiced to the client at cost plus 10%.
Thank you !
Many thanks for your interest in working with us. The above information is intended to answer the most frequently asked questions about architectural services in general and our practice in particular. Let us know if anything remains under and donӴ hesitate to ask about anything not addressed here but important to you.